Bc. Kristína Sekáčová
for the sale of products and services using the internet
By ordering my services you agree to these terms and conditions. In case you have any questions, please contact me at info@jazykovy-tutoring.com or via phone +420 722 480 909. I will be happy to explain anything which is unclear.
Information about me:
Bc. Kristína Sekáčová
Telephone: +420 722 480 909
Email: info@jazykovy-tutoring.com
Kurzova 2222/16, 155 00,
Praha 5 – Stodůlky
IČO: 11635631
I am an entrepreneur registered in the trade register.
I am not a payer of VAT.
Bc. Kristína Sekáčová
for the sale of products and services using the internet
By ordering my services you agree to these terms and conditions. In case you have any questions, please contact me at info@jazykovy-tutoring.com or via phone +420 722 480 909. I will be happy to explain anything which is unclear.
Information about me:
Bc. Kristína Sekáčová
Telephone: +420 722 480 909
Email: info@jazykovy-tutoring.com
Kurzova 2222/16, 155 00,
Praha 5 – Stodůlky
IČO: 11635631
I am an entrepreneur registered in the trade register.
I am not a payer of VAT.